The martyr
Martyren. Sweden 2018. Director: Ahmed Abdullahi. 29 min. Language: Swedish, Somali. Subtitles: English. Rec. from age 14.
Omar has started hanging out with a new group of friends, and spends a lot of time at the mosque. When he tells his mum that he’s leaving for Turkey to attend koran school, she’s very worried. A powerful film about radicalisation and society’s lack of a response to it.
Also screened in the film package Film & talks 2: Martyren
My new home is a trailer
Nu bor jag på en camping. Sweden 2017. Director: Jasmijn Kooijman. 30 min. Language: Arabic, Albanian, Swedish. Subtitles: English. Rec. from age 7.
Iris, Farah and Samaa are just three of the children at Mölletorp’s camping site. We see day-to-day life at a refugee centre through their eyes; cultural differences and similarities, friendship and play. They’ve all been through a lot before their arrival in Sweden, and we get a chance to listen to their stories and their thoughts about their journey to a new country, along with everything they’ve been forced to leave behind.
Also screened in the film package Film & talks 4: My New House is a Trailer camping
Shadow animals
Skuggdjur. Sweden 2017. Director: Jerry Carlsson. 22 min. Language: Swedish. Subtitles: English. Rec. from age 14.
Marall tags along with his parents to a party. The grown-ups start to act weirdly with constant handshaking, flock behaviour and an animal-like ritual dance. During the evening, mysterious shadow creatures appear, alongside uninvited guests. Marall watches, as this bizarre adult world veers off in a particularly nasty direction
Also screened in the short film package Theme Role Models: Difficult Childhood