DOWN AT MEDIEGYMNASIET, IN VÄSTRA HAMNEN, MALMÖ, everything is lined up: cameras and lightning, clay and paper, coffee and mini-cookies. All is set to start the shooting!
The participating filmmakers from Europe have arrived and joined the ones situated in Malmö. After some exploring down at the sea front and a sunday stroll in the sun, for some of them, we all met at FilmCentrum Syd to plan the week ahead of us. Everyone is eager to get started tomorrow after the Master Class from Lotta Geffenblad, which also probably will be a lot of fun. The filmmakers will listen and learn from one of Swedens most experienced animator and hopefully get some more inspiration for the films to be made.
Don’t miss the updates tomorrow with photos of settings, characters and talented people doing some hard labour.
DOWN AT MEDIEGYMNASIET, IN VÄSTRA HAMNEN, MALMÖ, everything is lined up: cameras and lightning, clay and paper, coffee and mini-cookies. All is set to start the shooting!
The participating filmmakers from Europe have arrived and joined the ones situated in Malmö. After some exploring down at the sea front and a sunday stroll in the sun, for some of them, we all met at FilmCentrum Syd to plan the week ahead of us. Everyone is eager to get started tomorrow after the Master Class from Lotta Geffenblad, which also probably will be a lot of fun. The filmmakers will listen and learn from one of Swedens most experienced animator and hopefully get some more inspiration for the films to be made.
Don’t miss the updates tomorrow with photos of settings, characters and talented people doing some hard labour.